Quickest way to get there Cheapest option Distance between. All three aboard were killed in the crash . The Gem plant was described as newly constructed when highlighted in a 2012 upgrade project info page:http://www.roguepump.com/documents/gem-state-processing-case-study.pdf, The Gem Plant in Heyburn shows up at 2010 on the company history timeline, here:https://www.oregonpotato.com/aboutopc/#history, January 2011 news article expected the new plant to be up and running spring or early summer that year:https://www.potatopro.com/news/2011/burleyheyburn-dehydrated-potato-plant-open-early-year. The Newmar Dutch Star is available in 37-, 40-, and 43-foot coaches. "Yeah, no. folks in charge of choosing these airports are not always aware of the dangers of choosing these airports for daily scheduled flights in all weather conditions. I have never experienced a flameout . Always remember the human side, and respect that a lot of people suffer greatly from a loss like this. Ice on the rotor and starter blades affects their performance and efficiency and may result in flame out. "blame it on the steam cloud" assigns no responsibility, no liability. "Don't bust minimums. The content is there, was always there. is quite a claim. Snow was observed falling. If so, should have gone missed a second time. One correction for your analysis: The elevation of the stack she hit is 4256' MSL in the FAA's obstacle database.Using your calculation of the flight path elevation at the stack, applying the FAA's verified stack elevation revises your math to: 4,365' - 4,256' = 109'.The top of the stack is 109' below the flight path. Not surprising an elderly person might have difficulty surviving that. In her job as Commissioner Doris is in the forefront of efforts to retain the very busy Santa Monica airport which is threatened by a very small but vocal group of neighbors and an unsympathetic City Council. The C150 pilot does not deserve to be smeared by the shoddy imitation. Kathryn s Report Cessna 525C Citation CJ4 N614SB Fatal. When you think of Brittney, celebrate the memories you shared with her. In high school, she competed on basketball, track, volleyball, and dance teams, served as a page in the Idaho State Legislature, was voted to Senior Class President, and graduated from Salmon High School in 2010 as a Valedictorian with a 4.0 GPA. However, this data alone does not provide the basis for a determination regarding the. If you were a pilot you would know that warm/wet air has very little lift. Condolences and humble prayers to Brittneys family and kin. She was outgoing, welcoming, and Christlike. (b) Assuming the stack is 100ft AGL, from the ground surface elevation at the plant. Brittney lived life to its fullest. Ice forming on the intake cowling constricts the air intake. Top of the stack that was hit is 100 feet AGL. Cessna T337G Super Skymaster, N337KN: Fatal accident occurred July 17, 2022 in Gold Hill, Boulder County, Colorado . The aircraft was well below the 3.75 degree "glidepath" at this point from the FAF to the TDZE of 4152'. The tower was 60 agl, she lost altitude quickly when she hit the steam cloud. She traveled, she laughed, she loved. The altitudes Flightaware shows are the uncorrected pressure altitudes reported by the aircraft's ADS-B transmitter. Ceilings were 1600 feet higher than minimums. Yes, the pilot descended below minimums but she did so because she had the runway in sight, which is NOT a minimums "bust". airworthiness of an aircraft or the current aircraft configuration. No preview function. The controller then approved a change to BYI advisory frequency. Absolutely correct, our operation needed to improve its pilot evaluation, vetting and training. A few days later, add 800 million to hurry it up. Tater plant has more political clout and money then a city owned airport. That sounds like either icing or engine failure or both to me. you think it's unreasonable for a pilot to descend to a standard 3.0 degree glidepath once they have the runway in sight?When the glidepath specified on the approach is 3.75 degrees, yes, yes I do. Additionally, with the needles centered she would have been 100 feet to the right of the stacks on a normal GPS approach.Looking at the ADS-B track on the missed it shows her at 6950 which should be coming from the GPS. Freight dispatchers aren't the ones responsible for letting under-equipped airports remain that way. I am all for accident analysis and understanding what went wrong in the name of preventing future occurrences - and boy does this case fit the bill - but our online aviation community (which unfortunately includes non-aviators) is swift to judge with limited information, a dangerous tendency in and of itself. As any pilot knows, the altitudes reported by FlightAware are uncorrected pressure altitudes and do not reflect the corrected indicated barometric altitude that pilots reference for assigned altitudes, MDA, etc. it seems you haven't even bothered to read the prelim report. It is unfortunate that Mr. Minter was in an airplane accident, but the stories so far have not discovered his interest and involvement in aviation:"Raised in Santa Monica, Minter served in The United States Marine Corps. when you can see the ground below you and the runway end ahead you are going to adjust rate of decent so as to hit the piano keys. Brittney went on to graduate from Utah State University with a degree in Finance in 2018. Flying a stabilized approach the plant and the runway should have been visible about a mile out. Fourth or fifth day on the job, in good weather, she crash landed one of our 'Vans onto a runway, totally wrecking it. The FAA also thinks the runways at Burley are short. ADS-B does report a GPS altitude (although Flightaware does not show it), however this altitude is height above the ellipsoid, which can vary from true MSL by up to 150 feet depending where in the country you are, and this will also be different than the corrected barometric altitude shown on the pilot's altimeter due to a variety of factors that I won't go into here. According to a witness, located about one quarter mile away, he first heard, then observed the airplane descend out of the clouds then immediately went into a steam cloud, which was produced from a set of six smokestacks located on the same roof. Forget all the right triangle calculations for a moment and think of this; The pilot was flying 70 to 75' agl, 2500 feet from the threshold. At the processing plant she is less than 1/2 mile out and should have the runway in sight and been scanning between the avionics and outside. Four years ago, Burley airport lost their Federal Aviation Administration funding because it did not meet their safety standards due to short runways. a pilot s accident review ebook 2015 First of all, when is capitalism EVER unchecked? At some time before noon on August 7, 2020, a Turbo Cessna 210 took off from Roosevelt, Utah, for a fair-weather daytime flight. Replies. The steam cloud has little to no lift. Their downed aircraft was discovered shortly after 1:30 a.m. Monday in a wooded area in Williams, Arizona, according to a release prepared . The private pilot and flight instructor were fatally injured. The plane is resting upside down pointing towards the probable point of impact about 90 feet away, with about a 190 degree counter clockwise rotation and flip supporting the left wing strike probably. How often have you ever flown an approach to minimums? Sunrise was at 6:56.She would have been accustomed to crossing the waterway with the railroad bridge in view on the right side during the last moments in the normal approach to the RW20 threshold.There is nothing to see that is even remotely similar to the waterway and RR bridge combination before reaching the tater plant. From the second platform level, the ladder going to the top level platform is missing and you can see a section of stack that appears damaged just below the top platform. If she was still in IMC after minimums, the witness and security camera would not have seen her aircraft. But that's not our business to judge. Do that at many many airports and you'll probably hit something. If the pilot could see to descend below MDA, you they think they would see the building , the tower, and or the parking lot beyond the building, so I conclude she didn't see it, due to either white out conditions or head in the cockpit, (which is absolutely normal on an instrument approach). Fortunately never had a flame out.Cessna C208B Caravan Captain Freight Dog. He's getting his wish. Couple years ago we hired an attractive young lady, a flight instructor, to fly Caravans at our single-pilot Pt.135 operation. I can't understand why this approach even exists. Easy to answer. Try again. Even a small city is a maze of confusing lights at night. (Which is common in CFIT accidents non precision approaches). All: "Diverting today is less justifiable, weather is not at minimums"6. "From:http://backissues.smdp.com/090820.pdf(See pdf sheet 10). The YouTube "Clown" commingled an half-assed apology with begging for $cash money$ be sent to him. It is nonsense to suggest that because the perfect approach was 100ft to the side of the stack and above it, that it was okay! I can attest to having my aircraft rocked by turbulence simply from the warm air currents gently rising from a dark field, so I have no doubt that a concentrated column of moist hot air being spewed out of a row of smokestacks could have a very serious effect on a light aircraft. Photo of N 928JP is still up on GEM AIR's web site. And no, it's not the left who's behind that, it's those who "own" this country.Take a look at Newton Minow's "Vast Wasteland" Speech, already from 1961!That's what you get if capitalism runs unchecked and controls every aspect of public life: commercials, banalities and emotions instead of reason, science and art that make life so much fuller.Be safe up there. Gray light is the worst, and that sort of snow just is impossible to see through clearly. 2021. "I have tried to comprehend the possible reasons for a Caravan to be flying below 90 knots and descending close to 900 feet per minute (per ADS-B/FlightAware) dangerously below the published Minimum Descent Altitude"You might want to comprehend this:1. Kathryn's Report: Most Read This Year Cessna 208B Grand Caravan, N928JP: Fatal accident occurred April 13, 2022 near Burley Municipal Airport (KBYI), Cassia County, Idaho Cirrus SR22 GTS, N24LA: Fatal accident occurred May 06, 2022 in the Atlantic Ocean near Tybee Island, Georgia Here are those METARs:KBYI 131430Z AUTO 20007KT 2SM -SN BR BKN021 OVC028 M03/M06 A2997 --- crash occurred @ 14:32 Z ---KBYI 131440Z AUTO 21008KT 2 1/2SM -SN BKN030 OVC047 M03/M06 A2997In spite of those reports, the pilot's reputation is being maligned with the "intentionally busted minimums" assertion. Donations can be dropped off or mailed to Bill Allen Accounting at 533 Main St., Salmon, Idaho 83467. That's a stark contrast not likely to be mistaken for anything else. A very strange UPS A300 crash in Birmingham was never assigned a direct cause - just CFIT below minimums. i suspect many if not most do not. / 45.4288; 9.2545. "It doesn't seem like you understand how ASOS works. The reported ceilings were well above the MDA, so unless you were sitting in the cockpit next to the pilot, you have no idea if they could make out the runway or not when they passed the MDA. If you're below the unusually steep 3.75 degree approach angle and it's obscured by its own steam, you're gonna hit it. It is a much cruder method of societal control than winning over people by debating and logical analysis. Kathryn's Report: Most Read All Time. Dead-center. "It's not a minimums bust if you have any of the required runway elements in sight before you descend. The MDA & displaced threshold is for the obstacles near the approach. To get the actual indicated altitude, you need to correct it with the local altimeter setting. Well he set the brake and forgot to release it. You're missing his point entirely. From an Engineers perspective, looking at Google Earth Pro, the runway centerline runs within 5 feet or so from the stack that looks to have been struck by the left wing of the aircraft. That having been said, in the post-crash video it appears that the aircraft may have clipped that safety cage about 30 feet below the top of the chimney/stack.As for the plant, since that large chimney is less than 200 feet (14 CFR 77), any lighting would have been voluntary (AC70/7460-1K 01FEB2007). Not enough time for the air frame to ice up from steam. Too bad comments on here are closed for that accident. It doesn't provide the external factors such as bird strikes or the flight deck conversation to know the human factors. suppose that building had been painted with a bold pattern and say a big potato image - no chance of mistaking that for a runway. YOU DO NOT NEED TRIG OR OTHER BULL. Anonymous, if the visibility was as good as you say it was, why did the pilot hit the tower? This was not the fault of any tower on the processing plant. "Clipped from the July 1975 Newsletter:https://www.ninety-nines.org/pdf/newsmagazine/197507.pdf(See pdf sheet 5)Also, a 1967 99's newsletter asks members to write Mayor Minter letters, because the Orange County Chapter was still fighting to keep SMO open at that time.https://www.ninety-nines.org/pdf/newsmagazine/196704.pdf(See pdf sheet 15, top left)If not for the Minter's efforts, SMO would have been closed and surrendered to developers decades ago. Also the color of the building itself? The pilot was transported to a local hospital where their condition remains unknown. As a former freight dog, we had many rules of thumb or personal SOP, and the published current charts, OP Specs, and FARs. As the Caravan started overflying the Gem factory, visibility further degraded due to the steam pulsed from the 6 stacks. Brittney is survived by her parents, Sharon and Jim Bob Infanger, her siblings, Craig Infanger (Daria); Emily Goodrich (Robert); Branden Infanger (Annie); Jayden Infanger; Erica Hill (Taylor); Adrienne Rochleau (Chris); and her loving nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins. Tubers meaning starchy root vegetables like potatoes? Wasn't at night. Recently she appeared on Los Angeles television representing airport interests in a debate with the Airport Neighbors Association. The lights would have been hazy through a fog of snow and steam. It is however possible to experience a flameout and subsequent loss of power under certain conditions. Comments upthread didn't draw insults to the suggestion that N928JP may have experienced diminishing lift due to contamination accumulation on flight surfaces that built up during two approach attempts in light snow and mist.This part of what you wrote seemed odd, however:"Ice on the rotor and starter blades"Turbine engines have sets of rotor and stator blades. 0. A lot of conjecture in this comment, I have over 200 instrument approaches to this airport (of course all have been at minimums :-)), the silos don't come in to play, neither do the cooling towers, it is a tricky approach with a lot of thermal issues from the potato plant and river and roadways but nothing a 1500+ hour pilot can't handle. The wreckage will be recovered on Wednesday, June 8. "How to tell us you aren't a pilot without telling us you aren't a pilot. From the many news sources From the ntsb, it was the steam cloud:"According to a witness, located about one quarter mile away, he first heard, then observed the airplane descend out of the clouds then immediately went into a steam cloud, which was produced from a set of six smokestacks located on the same roof. A Cessna Citation V business jet that crashed in Oregon, the United States, killing the pilot, after entering a spiraling descent was because of pilot incapacitation, investigators of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) found. Kathryn's Report: Cessna 560 Citation XLS+, N560AR: Fatal accident occurred September 02, 2021 near Robertson Field Airport (4B8), Plainville, Hartford County . Maybe Burley and the state of ID can get a 90% grant to build new from feds $3 billion in new funds for airports under Prez Biden and the Dem's passed infrastructure law. You probably meant RWY 20. Bet you have very limited Actual instrument hours if any. Former Santa Monica Mayor Rex Minter died when a small plane crashed on the beach just south of the Santa Monica Pier Thursday afternoon, officials confirmed. Visitation will begin at 10:30 the morning of the funeral. They just list basic facts and observations with occasional cursory analysis. i suggest you read it, and digest it. She was descending at 700 / minute. First approach got down to 4375 which is 185 below MDA. The POH manual in most light singles states that you don't deploy flaps during an engine out until your aim point can be confirmed to be made just as in regular landing configuration when powered. It is this 140 foot radio tower near the United Metals Recycling plant, which is 0.6 NM north east of the Gem State stack :https://www.google.com/maps/@42.5584036,-113.7480359,3a,86.2y,335.86h,111.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfD-logCbUr79CSW4DcVyPQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656Curiously, none of the Gem State stacks are notated anywhere on the approach plate. A Ninety-Nines newsletter described the judge's wife Doris's successful effort to keep SMO open back when she was on the commission. Funeral services will also be live streamed at bit.ly/brittneyinfanger. The billowing clouds suddenly blind you, and the aircraft loses lift at the worst possible time. Ratings: COMMERCIAL PILOTAIRPLANE SINGLE ENGINE LANDAIRPLANE SINGLE ENGINE SEAAIRPLANE MULTIENGINE LAND INSTRUMENT AIRPLANE, 1500hr rule. advisory GS, that would have put her 50-60' below MDA. Try finding familiar streets in your town/city next time you fly in on a clear night. Not sure if runway lights would be on, since it was 8:32 AM MDT with sunrise an hour and a half earlier at 6:56 AM. The RNAV RWY 20 approach requires a significantly steep descent angle of 3.75 degrees from the FAF, which would require a 700-800 fpm decent for typical Caravan approach speeds.5. "Same document, regarding high intensity flashing white obstruction lights during daytime with automatically selected reduced intensities for twilight and nighttime operations:"should not be recommended on structures 500 feet (153m) AGL or less unless an FAA aeronautical study shows otherwise."https://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Advisory_Circular/AC%2070%207460-1K.pdf. no lift in warm/wet steam. they should be held to some degree of accountability for these life and death decisions they make to put these mostly inexperienced pilots in life or death situations. Non-credible to believe roof was perceived as runway with continuation all the way to impact by a pilot expecting the river to lay across the approach end of the runway as it had always been in every previous landing there. An Airmens Meteorological Information (AIRMET) advisory was active for icing and mountain obscurations for areas that included BYI.By the way, the automated weather facility at KBYI is an ASOS, not AWOS.
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