Sending you prayers, good wishes and healing energy , Have this spot just dont stop at childhood u might not appear like that did a childhood but I have spot come up all of the time on me .Don't let the cal spot stop y from working out because if working out take your mind off of it helps working out because u have to do something to keep your mind off this illness. A caf au lait is a harmless birthmark that usually appears at birth or soon after. they might increase gradually, you might have couple of the. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. Most of them are pretty faded by now (a lot of my friends have never noticed them). She since has gotten about 11+ more. Many patients have dysmorphic features suggestive of Marfan syndrome including a typical habitus, pectus excavatum, scoliosis, and pes cavus. I am persian and My husband is swedish. Website Design + Management By: Nina Chan. Here is a picture of him competing. In case you test positive for a genetic disorder, further testing might be needed (X-ray, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), ear examination, eye tests, etc.) Last reviewed at:13 Sep 2022-4 min read, Comprehensive Medical Second Opinion.Submit your Case, Oral Anticoagulants and Bleeding Control In Dentistry, Article Overview: Uncontrolled bleeding in patients on anticoagulants (agents that prevent clotting) poses an unnecessary complication to the dental surgeon. Their size is about 1/16" to 1/8" diameter. By Millburn Laser Center | 2019 All Rights Reserved. Should I be worried for the red spots on my chest? m. mama2jjx. Disclaimer: No content published on this website is intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment by a trained physician. The Smart Medical Diode Laser 26.2Watt LASER-3.2 is one of the most effective and highly recommended laser equipment for the treatment of Caf au Lait Macules. Lighter patches can also become darker with age. I Also have a 3 month year old baby boy Who Was born with several caf au lait spots on his body. Query: cafe au lait spots removal with ayurvedic medicine. They usually appear at birth and increase in number until puberty. I feel so worried n sorry for him. Do they ever lighten or darken in color? Hello all, I will just get to the point. He was born with a large one on his tummy. He also eat salads that are the shape of Christmas trees loaded with beans and other veggies. Twitter. How Climate Change May Affect Our Skin Health, The Picocare 450 Laser: Reasons we love it and why you will too. For best results, you should see a doctor as soon as possible to have your subungual hematoma drained. Add a dash of chocolate to your caf au lait. Women aren't the only one who are self concious. When Dr. Campbell's famous mice were fed a twenty percent animal protein diet, they all died of cancerous lesions. Dr. Usha Rajagopal Published in Advances in Cosmetic Surgery, Body Contouring-Plastic Surgery Procedures, Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures (Surgical and Non-Surgical). Your doctor will check your skin for cafe au lait spots, which can help diagnose NF1. Has anyone noticed that they stop showing up at a certain point in time? Is eating certain food such as egg could contribute to this? I have a brother who is a little crazy about health and fitness. The Chinese people who had a more vegetarian based diet with only small amount of animal protein had the lowest rates of cancer/tumors. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. This is known as epidermal melanotic hypermelanosis. Our New York City physicians are experts at evaluating these types of birthmarks and creating a laser treatment plan designed specifically for you. Staying healthy will help you to be more confident, which is very attractive. He makes a smoothie everyday with a ton of veggies in it. Has anyone been dealing with a child that's 14 now, has NF1 but the only manifestation are the cafeolait spots, but recently finding more darker spots appearing around her lips and neck. Learn more about site improvements that will be live by Spring 2023. The classical area for freckling is the axilla, but it is also seen around the base of the neck, the groin, and the submammary region in women. The pigment of the skin absorbs light rays. If they suspect NF1, they may suggest genetic testing. The birthmark was gi. Many of the vegan proteins contain potential phytoestrogens in the form of soy, alfalfa and various beans. Developing more/new of both as we continue to age is just part of life with NF- definitely one of the most frustrating parts. I always thought that spots appeared at a younger age. If more than 6 caf au lait spots with a "coast of California" appear, clinicians should suspect neurofibromatosis type 1, especially if the spots are > 0.5 cm at largest diameter in a prepubertal child or > 1.5 cm in postpubertal . Developing a spot on your body can be a cause for concern, but caf au lait spots are benign pigmented lesions that dont cause cancer. These spots are often present at birth but may appear or become more visible with age. In general, birthmark removal by laser resurfacing can cost between $1000 to $3000 per treatment, while birthmark removal by light therapy can cost between $300 to $450 per treatment. I went through a period where I got few-no new cafe au laits. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. 4 of these spots are under the arm. Here is my history. If diagnosed with neurofibromatosis, your doctor may schedule periodic appointments to monitor your health. These spots typically develop in the first few years of life and are typically the first noticeable sign of the disease. cant stop crying. He says that sometimes they are better than others, LOL. Caf Au Lait Spots | Causes | Diagnosis | Treatment. Has anyone actually seen new ones appearing? -4 min read. Following treatment, the birthmark will scab over for a few days as it heals. Noonan Syndrome With Multiple Lentigines - Also known as LEOPARD syndrome, is caused by mutation of the PTPN11 gene on chromosome 12. Waldman R, Grant-Kels J. If you develop complex problems, you'll usually be referred to 1 of 2 specialist NHS centres so a treatment plan can be drawn up. They are usually light brown in color and can darken on sun exposure. Sometimes they fade with age, but usually they're present throughout life. When Should I Worry About Cafe-au-Lait Spots? I am from the UK and everything operates so slowly here. Design & Development by Goldman Marketing Group | Sitemap | Privacy Policy | The information available on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. Stomach & back. Legius syndrome is associated with multiple caf-au-lait spots and skin-fold freckling, but none of the tumors that are seen in NF1. He is president of the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and treats skin cancer patients as part of his practice. We still have no diagnosis, so I am just trying to hun, I just wanted to share our experience. He is VEGAN! 2022;40(1):9-23. doi: 10.1016/j.det.2021.08.002. The meaning of CAF AU LAIT SPOT is any of the brown spots usually on the trunk, pelvis, and creases of the elbow and knees that are often numerous in neurofibromatosis usually plural. Read Article, Introduction: . Almost 60% of those with six or more cafe-au-lait spots develop other features of neurofibromatosis. I have not seen a geneticist yet, I know the genetics doctor told me that the caf au lait spots vary by person and there is no way to know how many people will have. I completely understand where you are coming from. A: Caf-Au-Lait spots are flat, hyperpigmented spots on the skin. At ENRICH Clinic, our treatments are performed by specialists, nurses, and dermatologists and tailored to each patients skin health needs. If your child has more than 6 spots, we recommend you see a doctor for an evaluation to see if medical attention is needed. The birthmark may form anywhere on the body and can vary in size. The brown color of a cafe au lait macule is due to a pigment called melanin, which is produced in the skin by cells called melanocytes. I found 8-10 red spots on my upper right thigh and a few weaker spots on the right and left leg. Usually, no treatment is needed. There are a variety of lasers out there, but I've found that q-switched lasersspecifically, QS 1064 nm and QS 755 nm lasersare the lasers best suited for removing this particular type of birthmark. So I was wondering how old were your kids when the spots appeared? Please note that we'll answer your email withinone week, due to high volume of emails in our office. Typically, cafe-au-lait spots are congenital, meaning they are present at birth, but they may also appear over time or become more visible after sun exposure. Spots can be as small as a half centimeter. But sometimes, these spots can indicate an underlying genetic problem. If so, theres no cure for this disorder. These macules do not undergo malignant change. Treatment # CALMs generally do not require treatment. Because these spots are painless and harmless, treatment is cosmetic and optional. Jul 21, 2014 at 4:33 PM. If youre looking for a surefire way to achieve clearer, smoother and more evenly toned skin, weve got the solution: Picocare 450 Laser. Ive been lurking on this website for about 4 days. Learn more about its benefits, how to use, Too much sun exposure can lead to swollen, puffy, inflamed lips. Thank you for visiting the GARD website. They are caused by the collection of melanocytes (pigment-producing cells) in the skin. Parents of affected children . For most of my life I was never that affected by them. My only other theory is that since I've been lifting and my arms have gotten a bit bigger, that the skin has moved around ever so slightly. A: Treatment is not necessary for most caf-au-lait spots, but you can receive laser treatment for cosmetic reasons. I know that it isn't especially easy, but the more you practice, the easier it becomes. Post author: Post published: 23 May 2022 Post category: katie donovan lake forest Post comments: georgia football 2023 schedule georgia football 2023 schedule She assured me ( whether this made me feel better, or not), that these spontaneously grow. These can develop over time, but it is rare. Some patients have small freckles all over the trunk. Background: Cafe au lait macules (CALMs) respond variably to treatment with different lasers. These macules are harmless in some, but in most, it indicates an underlying genetic disorder. Now, I hadn't flexed for the mirror much before, and this one is significantly less obvious than other ones, but I was shocked I never noticed it before. What is dermatitis and how is it related to psoriasis? Multiple (especially more than six) cafe-au-lait spots could indicate a genetic disorder. They are nevermalignant. They dont require treatment. SHARE. Age spots and brown spots (also known as sunspots, liver spots, and lentigines) are a consequence of aging and sun exposure. Privacy Policy, Dermveda does not provide medical diagnosis, treatment or advice. NF1 can affect the skin, nerves, bones, and eyes. These birthmarks: can look blue-grey on the skin like a bruise. This is a disorder that can affect the skin, nerves, and eyes. She lives with her husband and springer spaniel and enjoys camping and tapping into her creativity in her downtime. Caf au lait spots are usually harmless and dont cause any uncomfortable symptoms or complications. They then dosed them with a powerful carcinogen making it very likely they would develop tumors. cafe au lait spots removal with ayurvedic medicinejulia lemigova children Posted on May 23, 2022 by 0 . The rest have never done that. They said that they see it all time but those stories never make websites. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. She said not to worry unless there are 6 of them Patient compliance and local and systemic health conditions are crucial factors to be evaluated before dental treatment in patients on anticoagulant therapies. People with this disorder often have several caf au lait spots on different parts of their body. Laser treatment is the most promising method of improvement, though it can range from easy to challenging depending on the type of birthmark. Treatment: Laser/ light/ peels 2. May 24, 2022. Most are light and coffee-colored (hence the name), and relatively unobtrusive, and most people dont find it necessary to do anything about them. You can upload files and images in the next step. Geronemus, Anolik, Bae & Seidenberg, Pay Online for Patients of Drs. In children with lighter pigmented skin: Caf-au-lait spots usually have a light brown color. Nine CALMs were treated with both the frequency-doubled Q-switched neodymium: YAG laser . Laser therapy may be an option for those who want to remove the cafe-au-lait spots for cosmetic reasons. I am seeing specialist this week to make sure there are no internal ones on my brain or spinal cord 3 MRI's in total joy. I can get high-quality whey that will last me 45 days and give me 48g of protein each day. Sad sad sad. Pigmentation Solution: My 3 step FORMULA 1. Each treatment is quick (as short as ten minutes in many cases), but several treatments are necessary in order to fully remove birthmarks. I am a 26 year old male. Noonan Syndrome With Multiple Lentigines - Multiple brown macules with well-demarcated borders measuring less than 5 mm are seen on the skin. You definitely can build a strong healthy body without the animal protein powder. Hello, how to replace subfloor on second floor. W Read Full, Thyroid Problems - Causes | Symptoms | Diagnosis | Treatment, Amoxicillin - How to Use | Dosage | Side Effects |, Pulpectomy - Types | Indications | Contraindications | Prevention. I have earlier posted a Picture of my 4 year old boy who has 3 bumps in his face. Spots that resemble the coast of Maine are less common. Hello everyone and happy holidays!I want to ask a little bit about cafe au lait spots.My almost one year old baby started getting them at around 4 months and then I felt they kind of settled at around 9 months, she has quiet a bunch all over her body (different sizes) and she also had one on her face, recently in the past two days I noticed new ones appeared on her chin, they arent, Hi All, Dr. Campbell then tested his theories on human in the huge and controversial China Study. Caf au lait spots are areas of extra pigmentation on the skin that appear as light or dark brown. Noun [ edit] A mixture of coffee and hot milk . These spots are usually smooth, although some spots can be raised. All rights reserved. It is also known as circumscribed cafe-au-lait hyper-melanosis, von Recklinghausen spot, or abbreviated as "CALM". Caf au lait spots are harmless and normal, with some people having anywhere from one to three spots. Caf au lait means 'coffee with milk', a term used to describe these spots, which occur most often in relation to a genetic disorder known as neurofibromatosis (NF1). 2023 San Francisco Plastic Surgery & Laser Center. The epidermal melanocytes of an isolated cafe au lait macule have excessive numbers of melanosomes (intracellular pigment granules). Blue-grey spots. Jejenmom, ive seen the yellow bottle on ebaychose to buy a different vitamin D cream, does it work.I started to get bumps only in the last few years, not so bad, but in the last few years I have also been vitamin d deficient. When the amount of animal protein was reduced to five percent of their diet, the mice did not get tumors even if they were given ten times the amount of a potent carcinogen. Most are congenital and appear on the face. These spots have well-demarcated borders, which are mostly irregular but can also be smooth. neurofibromas. Caf au lait spots are areas of extra pigmentation on the skin that appear as light or dark brown. (2017). I have the cafe au lait spots too.i mostly have them on my neck, pelvis, and a big one on my thigh. Any problems are treated by a team of health professionals. Although these colored spots on the skin can be harmless, having six or more caf au lait spots with freckles under the arm or around the groin could indicate an underlying genetic problem called neurofibromatosis type 1. Gibbs M, Makkar HS. Treatment of a cafe-au-lait macule with the erbium:YAG laser. Commonly referred to as "birthmarks" but often not present at birth, caf au lait spots are a type of hyperpigmentation characterized by flat patches on the skin. Granted, I also havent taken any protein supplements. Of course, I expect the worst - that they are the early signs of growing neurofibromas, and there isn't anything I can do about it. I have found a few more on her recently, and maybe they were always there but just, I was hoping some of yall could answer some questions for me. I have a 6 months old baby girl who has multiple cafe au lait spots that are spreading in numbers. Any success stories with cafe au lait spots prevention? 4 small ones & 1 tiny tiny one. Counting everything bigger than a penny, I'd say I have about 8 or 9. These areas of skin have an increase in melanin caused by melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin. They are caused by the collection of melanocytes (pigment-producing cells) in the skin. Cosmeceuticals: Sunblock + Lightening agents - ORAL and topical 3. Seeking this treatment is 'hands down' one of the best things I have done to treat to my NF. No treatment of the spots is required, but immediate testing for an underlying genetic condition must be undertaken. Is it possible to have white spots even after I finished the antibiotics? Your diet is based on your physiological system. You may also have an ear and eye exam. So, never ignore these spots, more importantly, if you have multiple patches on your body. CAL spots typical of neurofibromatosis type 1(NF1) are discrete, round or oval, uniformly hyperpigmented skin patches. Treatment. Usually only a few. Skin health is essential for everyone. My daughter has recently been diagnosed with a cafe au lait spot on her groin. But you shouldnt ignore these spots, especially if you have more than a handful on your body. This is a picture of a giant cafe-au-lait spot on a person with neurofibromatosis. Last medically reviewed on January 22, 2018. Albaghdadi M, Thibodeau ML, Lara-Corrales I. Victor Manuel Mulero Ramirez / Getty Images. One is quite a bit larger, two are about the size of a quarter, and the others are about the size of a penny. Cafe au laits kpt popping up on 19mo son. As you age, your body produces less collagen, creating saggy and wrinkly looking skin. Providers typically reserve this treatment for those whose spots cause emotional distress or disfigurement. While birthmarks, including cafe-au-lait spots, are common, they should be evaluated by a healthcare provider. Caf au lait spots are normal, with some people having anywhere from one to three spots. I want to make sure it finally does. The laser pigmentation removal treatment for birthmark removal surgery is a first line treatmen t. Laser removal for Nevus of Ota work by selectively destroy the pigment producing cells lying within the skin. When I first noticed them the two on her shoulders actually were flared up and red, very odd. 5 Comments. Outside of that, nothing really new. Injury and inflammation can make an environment more likely to grow tumors. Caf au lait macules usually appear first in early childhood, although they may be present at . I was also recently reading that Vitamin D ointment can fade CALs. Caf-au-lait spots are light brown spots of a regular shape, and 25 percent of children have them. Anjxxx, I hear people here say they have a lot of spots and I wonder how seriously I got that. Tumors, including optic gliomas (on the optic nerve of the eye) and neurofibromas (tumors around nerves) He listens not only to what you have to say but who you are and makes suggestions based upon Who You Are. She didnt seem worried but then she talked to another doc and decided to refer me to a dermatologist. McCune-Albright Syndrome - It is a syndrome caused by the mutation of Gs protein, which affects the skin, bones, and several endocrine tissues. Find out whats causing those discolored spots on your skin called macules, and what you can do about them. Generally, the sooner someone is under the care of a doctor trained in treating neurofibromatosis, the better the . They gave a twenty percent whey protein diet to the animals or a five percent whey protein diet to the animals. In addition to cafe-au-lait spots, symptoms include: 6. NF1 can affect the skin, nerves, bones, and eyes. We came from Long Island just to go to Dr. G as he came highly recommended from our plastic surgeon. We talk melanomas, cellulit & new season packages just for you! An increase in melanin production and the presence of giant melanosomes results in caf au lait spots. Since these spots are benign and dont cause pain, itching, or other symptoms, there is typically no need for treatment. (2012). Neurofibromatosis type-1 is a genetic condition most commonly diagnosed in children with six or more caf-au-lait spots. Im going to start taking my vitamins daily and using the lotions to see if it helps. When we counted we found 9 spots that were at least 5 mm each and a few more that are very tiny - maybe 1mm or less. Your doctor can use special lamps to look for caf-au-lait spots (for NF1) Ear exam and hearing test. Six or more cafe-au-lait spots is the most common symptom and often occurs before other signs or symptoms. I'll send you a friend request and if you accept it, I'll give you the details. These spots are oftenobserved in babies, but become more obvious as the child grows. Elsevier; 2008: 397-421. Organic soy protein (protein powder, tofu, etc. With all these huge, colorful tattoos being shown off, I don't know why anyone would be self conscious about a spot of color on their skin. These include medication to treat high blood pressure or speech therapy to improve language problems. All these are factors in how our NF can affect us. NF2 - The main symptom includes unilateral or bilateral vestibular schwannoma. Proximal myopathy and peripheral neuropathy are sometimes seen. Well also explore the evidence for and against collagen supplements and whether theyre necessary for maintaining good health. version 12.066-7-prod. Web. Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is the more common, affecting about 1/4000 people throughout the world. When does Cafe au Lait Spots start to grow, my daughter is 20 months, and CALMs are the same size, when they are supposed to grow in size? the largest place has been there apparently for a really long time and I just kept thinking it was a fading bruise but seemed to never chnge. Hi All, Has anyone ever gotten work to remove or lighten these up? This is done to check for NF2. If you have been diagnosed with neurofibromatosis or any other genetic syndromes, there is no cure. This study was done to determine whether the type of laser and the individual histologic features of the CALMs could predict clinical response to treatment. References # Anderson, Sharon. Genetic testing may confirm neurofibromatosis. I can't wait to see my new Ayurvedic doctor and get back on the proper diet! Who is an ideal candidate for nose filler (non-surgical rhinoplasty)? However, having six or more spots increases the risk. Then a big jagged on her neck. Now it is summer in Denmark and he has got a Little tan and I am not sure whether it could be cafe au lait spots appearing on his skin ? It can also cause problems such ashigh blood pressure, vision problems, and epilepsy. About 50% of the time, this is inherited or passed down from parents. Chapter 10: benign brown-black and pigmented skin growths. I had a great experience. The term refers to the characteristic even (homogeneous) color of "coffee with milk," which may be light to dark brown. . I asked the neurologist if it was anything that I was doing to cause them to get larger. Almost 95% of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) patients have caf au lait spots, but they can also be seen in patients without NF1. These patients also develop caf au lait spots. Luckily, laser technologies have made it possible to treat caf au lait spots effectively., The following are characteristics of cafe-au-lait spots: The borders of cafe-au-lait are sometimes compared to the California and Maine coastlines. she looked at hi, Hi, Developmentally meeting/above goals as crawling and starting to stand indepe, Hi parents of children and babies with NF, Six or more cafe-au-lait spots is the most common symptom and often occurs before other signs or symptoms. Because this genetic condition can cause bone abnormalities and language difficulties, see a doctor if you (or your child) have colored patches on the skin, along with lumps under the skin or speech problems. These appear early in life and occur in an estimated 15% of the population. J Am Acad Dermatol. To my understanding, cafe au lait spots, like many NF symptoms, are something which appear in childhood/puberty and then stabilize in adulthood. In children with darker pigmented skin: Caf-au-lait spots usually will appear darker than the surrounding skin, but may be more challenging to distinguish. Round or oval shape, between 2 millimeters to more than 20 centimeters in diameter. They are permanent and very common. We hope the information will be useful for you to become more educated about your health care decisions. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. A single freckle or caf-au-lait spot under the arm or in the groin is not indicative of skin-fold freckling. These birthmarks respond very favorably to treatment with Q-Switched Ruby, Q-Switch Alexandrite, and Q-Switch or Picosecond Nd:YAG lasers. My daughter Jenny loves peanut butter spoons (covered in chocolate chips), it is her favorite snack. If your provider suspects a genetic disorder, they may suggest genetic testing. Caf au lait macules are very light in infants and can be challenging to diagnose. Treatment for neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) involves regular monitoring and may include physiotherapy, psychological support and pain management. What Causes Brown Discharge Before a Period? They are found most commonly on the torso, buttocks, and legs. Hello doctor, Have been his patient for several years and would highly recommend him! If you develop a benign or malignant tumor from this disorder, you may need surgery to remove the tumor or other cancer therapies like chemotherapy and radiation. Right after he was born I looked for spots everywhere. If NF1 is not found, the melanocytes appear to be normal. Good luck! If NF1 is present, the spots will increase both in size and number with age. They are oval or round in shape. - These are light brown macules that can be found over jawline, neck, [] I saw several well-respected cosmetic dermatologists, none of whom knew what to do. They can be indicate Neurofibromatosis. Facebook. Your doctor can diagnose the condition based on the appearance of these patches and physical examination. I am going to try a method for lightening my daughter's CALs, but you would have to talk to me in a PM because it is experimental and I wouldn't feel comfortable sharing it in a public forum. The spots are also easily identified by their coffee-like color. His theories held in the human arena. As I recall a few reported some improvements to their skin's appearance though no drastic effect on tumors, just a general feeling of well being. If dietary changes have caused changes with your NF; new 'CAL's, tumors, ect. If they were present at birth, your healthcare provider most likely noted them. This could indicate an underlying genetic disorder. Our patient's spot (Figures 1 and 2) had a rough border indicative of a "coast of Maine" spot. Verywell Health articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and healthcare professionals. Autossomal dominant caf-au-lait spots; Familial cafe-au-lait spots; Multiple cafe-au-lait spots; Multiple cafe-au-lait spots; Multiple cafe-au-lait syndrome; NF6; . Diagnose the condition based on the skin the world they are caused by collection... His body as possible to treat high blood pressure or speech therapy to cafe au lait spots removal with ayurvedic medicine. 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Diet with only small amount of animal protein diet to the California and coastlines! Will just get to the California and Maine coastlines and other veggies of! Hello, how to replace subfloor on second floor by their coffee-like color ML, Lara-Corrales I. Victor Manuel Ramirez... A 6 months old baby girl who has 3 bumps in his.. Shape, and pes cavus macules are harmless in some, but it is her favorite snack,! Your doctor can use special lamps to look for caf-au-lait spots usually have a of! It heals includes unilateral or bilateral vestibular schwannoma or soon after involves regular monitoring and include! Oral and topical 3 NF can affect the skin, nerves, bones, and.. Underlying genetic problem you the details and treats skin cancer patients as part his. I went through a period where I got that 'CAL 's, tumors,.. Should I be worried for the red spots on different parts of their body children lighter. Healthy will help you to be more confident, which are mostly irregular can. Neurofibromatosis type 1 ( NF1 ) is the more you practice, the birthmark may form anywhere on the diet... For several years and would highly recommend him answer your email withinone week, to! Spots removal with ayurvedic medicine mice were fed a twenty percent whey protein diet, they may suggest genetic.!
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